Szerencsés voltam, mert megkaphattam a karkötőt, ő tehát Tiles of Rabat, akivel még pár napot tölthetek.
És ki lesz a következő? Jelentkezzen, aki szeretné őt egy hétre és vállalja, hogy továbbküldi.
Some weeks ago I found Sig Wynne-Evans's blog and read about the special mission. Traveling bracelets carrying positive energy and after the world journey they return home. You can have the bracelet for a week and you have to document that with photos and a written summary. I was lucky to receive one of the bracelets and after the 2,5 weeks in the post it finally arrived last week.
Let me introduce you Tiles of Rabat. And who will be next? Please contact me if you like to keep the bracelet for a week and you agree to follow the rules and continue the journey.
Napos hétvége a kertben/Sunny weekend in the garden